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Giuseppe Digiacomo
President of the Board of Directors
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Comiso, 1957

Giuseppe Digiacomo has a degree in Modern Literature. Writer, he has published essays, novels and poetry collections.

In 1980 Alchimie per vivere with S. Sciascia and, with the same publisher, in 1985, Il Giorno fariseo; subsequently, in 1991, again with S. Sciascia, he published Balena bianca, and, in 1993, the instant book, Io non sono il boss. In 2007 the collection Canti di guerra e divine inconcludenze (Archilibri). 
In 2009 the pamphlet Come abbiamo fatto a fare l'aeroporto di Comiso. In 2017 Pettine bello, Salarchi Immagini and, in 2019, La Cartiera del Principe (Archilibri). He won the Massarosa poetry prize and was a finalist in the Italo Calvino fiction award launched by the Book Index.

Born in Comiso in 1957, friend of Gesualdo Bufalino, Salvatore Fiume, Salvatore Adamo, Giovanni La Cognata, Nunzio Zago and others. Engaged in politics, he was a city councilor, councilor, mayor, party leader, regional deputy.